Friday, May 22, 2020

You Are Destined To Be Together When You Notice These 10 Signs

Falling in love is the best feeling in the world. Its a high that can begin with the first look or touch, and it grows as you get to know each other intimately.

When you take a step back and examine your partnership with your heart and your head – and look for valuable clues, you’ll know whether a person is right for you.

 1. You have an unexplainable, deep connection.

Many people think you have to feel love, at first sight, to know that you’re meant to be. Not so. A feeling that you fit together often does happen early on, but it deepens as you get to know each other. Then, it hits you one day. You love this person on many levels, and you know you’ve never experienced anything like it. Simply put, your soul has been stirred.

2• You laugh at the same things.

As Dr. John Gottman, a renown therapist says, “Couples who laugh together last together.” If you can find humor in a difficult situation, you can probably get through anything. And, if you laugh at the same things, that’s like glue for a couple. If you can be warm and playful together, and laugh a lot, you’re going to experience much joy.

3•  You have undeniable Chemistry(including sexual attractions)

 If your eyes hold a gaze without any awkwardness, or you feel drawn to touch each other unconsciously, you’ve got some good chemistry happening. That same connection is likely to extend into the bedroom, and though you may want to think your relationship could survive to be platonic, sexual attraction is going to make it more exciting and enjoyable.Biology does a pretty good job at picking partners, so if the chemistry is there, don’t yield to it. Consider it as a sign.

4•  You feel at home

 When it’s relationship kismet, you feel safe and protected. You can be your authentic self, no one judges you, and you don’t have to change. Being in love is like snuggling up by a fire under a cozy blanket on the couch. It feels like home.

 5• You can disagree respectfully.

Couples in it for the long term don’t have to be mirror images. If you become drawn to the qualities that you lack, like being spontaneous when you’re naturally a planner, that can be a source of stress or stimulation. Soulmates are seeking to become whole and to explore new aspects of their personalities. In a mature relationship, you can disagree with each other and be ok with it. You don’t need to be right or make the other person feel less than. Instead, you appreciate their different perspective.

6•  You share a common purpose

There’s a high that two people in love share when they are destined to be together. They are on fire, moving toward similar goals and in alignment with a shared purpose in life. It doesn’t matter if it’s giving to those in need, planning to raise a family, or traveling to exotic destinations, you feel in sync. Life isn’t any longer just about you; it’s me and you for the world!

7• You lift each other up.

When you find the right person, you feel supported – whether that’s someone cheering you on or stretching you in new directions. Your personal growth matters and you’re a much better person together than not. You’re like two balloons reaching new heights.

 8• You “get” each other.

Forever couples are in tune with each other’s needs. After a while, when they’ve figured out each other’s love language, a helping hand, a touch, a text at just the right moment says it all. After all, you just want to be understood and acknowledged, right?

 9• You’re there for each other when it counts.

A test of your relationship is a willingness to drop whatever you have going on and being present when you get the call. The call when your mom is in the hospital, you’ve lost your job, or you’ve fallen ill or some other crushing blow. If your significant other has stood with you for your highest highs, and lay down with you during your lowest lows, you know you have your lifelong mate.

 10• You’re willing to do what it takes.

Often you can get clues from how a person lives their life outside of your relationship. Do they get back up when they’re knocked down? Do they persist in getting what they want – even in the face of obstacles? If the answer is yes, then they are likely to go the distance with you, too.

Sometimes couples argue or need time to process a disagreement or painful emotion. That isn’t necessarily unhealthy. What is essential, though, is how quickly they bounce back from it and seek to move the relationship forward. Couples who are meant to together find a way to work through challenges no matter what.

 Finding your soulmate changes your life in subtle and profound ways. If you recognize these 10 signs, congratulations, there is no doubt that you’re destined for one another.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

"Secrets of Men", Every Woman Must Know.

Every woman wants to know what a man really wants in a relationship. 
This is one of the most frequently asked questions under relationship matters that women seek to answer.
What does my man want in this relationship?
Truthfully, the answer to this question doesn't come easily because every relationship is different.
I'm just going to give you 7 basis that form a solid foundation for any relationship especially between a man and a woman.

This list doesn't essentially apply to every man in the world because some men clearly don't know what they want. With that aside, read the following post with a pinch of salt and know that every man is a bit unique.

1• Intimacy
A man wants intimacy in a relationship and this is very essential to him. It is a biological need, and men should not be blamed for wanting it. However, intimacy alone cannot build a long-lasting relationship. It can bring a couple together beyond a certain point. A man finds happiness and fulfillment in being intimate.

2•  Companionship
A man really wants a good company. They want women with whom they can have deep and meaningful conversations. They want women they can share their likes and dislikes, their fears, failures, success, their weaknesses and strengths.
They want women who can empathize with their failures and revel their triumphs.

3•  A Stable and Reliable Partner
When a man is serious with a woman he looks for stability in the relationship. He wants to know that you'll always be there for him no matter what. He needs you to have his back when things are great and when they are not so good. If you want a successful relationship with a man, don't be selfish or greedy.

4•  Emotional Support
Men tend to appear courageous and strong in their affairs. They never want to be seen as weaklings old overly-emotional beings. But, what a man really wants in a relationship is support from his woman. You should encourage him by constantly telling him how much confidence you have in him. This will bring the best in your man.

5•  Good Looks
Men are moved by what they see. They love to see beautiful women. They want their women to look good at all times. This is not only true at the time of dating but even after marriage. Women who treat their bodies with a nonchalant attitude are likely to lose the interest of their men.
An attractive woman who knows how to take care of herself will always turn male heads.

6•  Private Space
The best relationships are those where women are willing to wait; where they give time to their men to unwind themselves. If you notice that your man needs some space to himself, give him. Each man needs space to sort out his thoughts, goals and plans.

7•  Mutual Respect
Finally, both men and women need res0ect if the relationship is to survive. This  can only happen if a woman is willing to listen to her man and study his personality. Respect his interest even though they may be widely different from yours.
Allow him necessary space to follow interest which may include sports, politics or other activities.
You should learn to read between the lines iif you want to earn the respect of your men.
 Now you know these 7 things a man really wants in a relationship. Learn the tips and let them be a guide in your relationship.
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How To Become A Millionaire: 6 Habits of Self-made Millionaires.

Many believe that acquiring wealth is only for some certain age. The truth is some planning can actually get you rich at any age.

Here are a few habits that I've noticed that average people like you and me do on a daily basis to change away from negative thoughts to positive thoughts and become millionaires.

1. They read for Self-improvement

I’ve noticed, however, that reading wasn’t just something I enjoyed. It was probably one of the biggest influences on why I became successful.

For example, as an entrepreneur, my reading habits helped me become a stronger and more effective business owner and leader. For the average millionaire, reading can help them grow and learn. In fact, according to research, 85 percent of self-made millionaires read two or more books per month.

While there’s a time and place for leisurely reading, millionaires read books that encourage self-improvement. This includes topics like how-tos, biographies, self-help, leadership, or current events.

2. Creating Multiple Streams of Income

The average millionaire doesn't just rely on one source of income. They have multiple streams of income. This way they can handle any economic downturns, as well as make even more money.

In most cases, this involves having a passive income. This could be in the form of interest from loans, dividends from investments, capital gains, royalties, or rental income. Other types of multiple sources of income could be from starting a side business that doesn’t involve active work, such as running a website or selling information products.

3. They live on a written budget.

Millionaires didn’t earn their money by luck. They’ve taken the time to understand what’s coming in and what’s leaving their bank account every month. In other words, they create and stick to a monthly written budget

Budgets can eliminate unnecessary expenses and keep full-control of their financial future. Additionally, monthly budgets prevent overspending allow millionaires to achieve financial goals that they’ve established.

4. They set daily goals.

Whether they’re setting financial projections, planning weekly tasks, or looking for ways to have multiple streams of income, millionaires are known for setting daily goals. This helps keep them focused and build momentum.

When establishing daily goals, make sure that you prioritize. This means doing the most important thing first. For example, if you want to make more money, then you should pursue activities that can make you thousands, instead of chasing actions that earn you hundreds.

5. They avoid debt.

The wealthy avoid debt at all costs. They live a frugal lifestyle and only make purchases for items that they can actually pay for. They don’t book a vacation and use their credit card to pay for the entire trip. This way they’re not paying those hefty interest rates. They prefer paying with cash because it has zero percent interest.

If they do use a credit card to make a purchase, they’re certain that they have enough money to pay off that bill when their statement arrives.

6. They’re patient.

Even though we hear those stories of the person why became a millionaire overnight, the reality is that that’s few and far between. The average millionaire lives by the motto that patience is a virtue. That’s why the millionaire next door doesn’t achieve that status until they’re 50 years old. They earn a modest salary, invest wisely and focus on living below their means instead of searching for get rich schemes.

These simple habits can make you become a millionaire. Follow you passion and be consistent.

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